October 22, 2010

I'm Baaaaack!

Ok, so a year has been FAR long enough to be away from my blog. No excuses, no apologies, no regrets. We're starting over. So There! LOL!

I was lucky enough to swing a weekend off from work a couple of weeks ago and got to go play with my paperstickyfoldystuff at Jerri's Crop 2 Help Retreat. I missed my regular roomies, but got to have the One and Only Dustbunny Hostage room with me this time! I SO love my Jen T! We sat up talking like teenagers and had THE BEST time! I got to get my Cricut-ing on, and learned a lot about using SCAL2. Made the Cutest cards and learned how to make a cute little gifty box from, now get this, Playing Cards! Jerri is one of the most creative gals I know! I've learned so much from her... And now This too! Woot! It was a Fantastic Weekend and I'm glad to have been able to be at all Five of her Crop 2 Help Retreats!


Pssst! I Posted something Y'all! You know who you are! LOL!


j said...

It is SO SO SO nice to see your post in Google Reader.

We had a good time, didn't we? I could use more weekends like that. Jerri has a gift for entertaining and the crops are always wonderful. Thank you for letting my room in! It did feel rather slumber party-ish.

And on a totally unrelated note...

I was out and about today, yard saling and thrift store shopping. I grabbed some things to start my Christmas projects and I was feeling SO behind on holiday preparation, even though it isn't even Halloween yet. I thought to myself, "Only a fellow crafter would understand how I feel right now." Ha! Had to share that with a crafter.

Love ya Jenn!!!

Mike Golch said...

Welcome back,I missed ya!

irasema said...

YEY! SSSOoOOOo glad to see your blog! I had so much fun at crop2help this year. it was loads of fun staying up until 5 AM!

Jerri junque said...

I am so glad to hear from you again, you are now back in my rotation. Blog rotation....#2. rIGHT AFTER OUR dUST bUNNY,don't let me down ,,,,,,hahahaha