October 07, 2009

A Party in Pink!

Today is FringeGirl's Party in Pink for fellow bloggers to show our support of Breast Cancer.
According to her...

‘Party in Pink’ will be a celebration in honor of the women (friends, family, acquaintances) who are fighting or have fought a battle with breast cancer. I know several women who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and are at the beginning of their battles.

Cancer is nothing new to my family. It has taken it's toll on several of my family members in it's many different forms, most commonly, Lung Cancer. I just recently found out that my MawMaw's sister passed away after having had a short bout with Breast Cancer. So, I dedicate this post to you Aunt Polly.

I remember being a youngster and getting to go spend the night/weekends with my Aunt Polly. She always had a bright smile, a joke, a story, and some gooood cooking ready for anyone who graced her doorstep. She would take me out and about in Gadsden where she lived, and treat me to, well, pretty much anything that we saw that we might want that day. She loved her family fiercely, and was mother hen to many a stray kid in her day. I believe that she is the person that instilled the "Mother Hen" gene into my own Mother. She was my Mother's favorite Aunt which, of course, raised her position greatly in my eyes too. I remember that her hands were knotty from arthritis, her smile was a little crooked, she let a bad word slip once in a while, and that she loved me. You've been gone from us for 26 years Aunt Polly, and I still miss you.

Locally, Birmingham has also been showing it's support for Breast Cancer by lighting up a couple of landmarks with Pink Lights...

City Hall

(I borrowed these images from al.com, please click on either image for the full story!)

So, Ladies, and Gentlemen alike... FEEL YOUR BOOBIES! It may save your life someday! And if you haven't already explored the buttons over there to the right, Please Do! Education is the FIRST and BEST line of defense!!!

Now, run on over to see what others are posting for FringeGirl's Party in Pink!


j said...

I didn't realize that Vulcan was pink right now! How cool!

Your Aunt Polly sounds delightful. Isn't it funny that we remember those cuss words that slipped out? I think it made an impression on kids because of the "Oooo-OOOOOO-ooooh" factor. And the fact that your Aunt Polly enjoyed spoiling you when you were with her... that made me smile.

Awesome post. I agree that education is key.

Love you bunches Jenn!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post! I'm sorry you lost your Aunt Polly, but glad that you can still celebrate her memory. Thank you for joining Party in Pink today!

Please don't forget to enter your URL on the Mr. Linky on my blog. It will make it easy for others to come visit your blog and read your story. If you have any problems with it, please let me know.

Thank again for a great post!

j said...

I hope you are having a wonderful Holiday Season!!

j said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *clink*

Jan Hennings said...

Party in Pink is certainly for a GREAT cause!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my USArtQuest projects! Good luck with the drawing for the Draw and Gild kit, too :)

j said...

I love how current you currently are :)

j said...

And um, I have three different profile pics shown in this one set of comments. Just... wow.