October 25, 2010

And They Call It Zombie Loveeee...

It was a cool and crisp Friday night... The moon was full and hanging perfectly in the night sky... Love was in the air... Not just Any kind of love though... This was Zombie Love at it's finest! The Hub and I got all gussied up and headed out to Fergy's Place for their first annual Zombie Prom. Unfortunately I didn't have an extra prom dress lying around (and actually didn't take the time to go to the thrift stores shopping for one), so I pulled out my cammo pants from last year , found me a shirt to sort of match, threw on my party makeup and Voila... Zombie Hunter Princess! LOL! We ripped up a thrift store suit for Hub and we was ready to get our Zombie on!

There were Prom Pictures...

I actually think that I like this pic better than my high school prom pic.

The ZRT in action... and there's my man doing his Zombie best to keep them at bay. (as you see they seem to think it's funny... unh huh... we zombies may amble *Real Zombies Amble!!*, but we keep coming until we get ya!)

Me and the girls had ourselves a grand ol time...

And of course there was a King and Queen crowned...

(ok, so my camera battery ran out and I didn't get a pic)

If you need a costume for next week, let me wholeheartedly encourage you to explore your inner Zombie. You might just find that you like it on the undead side!

Gotta show love to the folks at deadwalking.com. They helped make Fergy's 1st Annual Zombie Prom a flesh eating success!



Jerri junque said...

loved all the pic, Look like you two had a great time....Oh and thanks for the pep talk. Love you

Sarah Pea said...

I said it once and I'll say it again, you guys are bloody awesome! Blame Bill for me finding this. He linked me his blog after 'schpeeling' about ya'lls 30 minute gumbo.

j said...

ACK! I can't believe I missed this post!! LOVE it. Y'all look like you are having a great time.