January 06, 2011


Nine whole things about myself??? Oh my Goodness! Prepare to be B. O. R. E. D! Here goes anyhoo!

1: I am a procrastinator.

2: I am terrible at math, which is why I became an RN instead of the MD that I wanted to be.

3: If I was good at math, I wouldn't be doing the job that I Absolutely Love doing!

4: I am very determined... Most folks just call it stubborn.

5: I have a tendency to over analyze Everything... (even making that statement)

6: I love animals, and if I believed in reincarnation, I'd want to come back as a cat.

7: I'm not good at being alone for long periods of time, I usually can't wait for Hubby to get home from work just so I'll have someone to talk to.

8: I talk to myself... and the cats... and the television... and in movies...

9: I tend to make huge plans for my off days... then end up vegging out in front of the TV watching TLC or the Food Network.

This was actually harder to do than I thought it would be, but by gosh, I blogged TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!! WOOT! Better watch out, the earth may actually spin right off it's axis! LOL!


1 comment:

j said...

Go Jenn! Two days in a ROW!

I talk to myself, animals, TV, etc too. And if I were reincarnated, I would want to be my mother's dog. She feeds it cornbread (and her cornbread is gooo-ood!).

Have a Happy Friday!