January 05, 2011

10 Day Blog Challenge

I was doing my usual blog hopping and found This Challenge on Jen's blog, then again on Jerri's blog, and finally followed the crumbs to Irasema's blog for the actual instructions. I am SUCH a follower... so I thought it would help me to get Twenty-One-One started off on the right foot blogwise anyway. I'm going to try to actually do them all! It IS a challenge after all right?!?

Day 01:
10 things you want to say to 10 different people right now.
Day 02:
9 things about yourself.
Day 03:
8 ways to win your heart.
Day 04:
7 things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 05:
6 things you wish you'd never done.
Day 06:
5 people who mean a lot to you (in no order whatsoever)
Day 07:
4 things that turn you off.
Day 08:
3 things that turn you on.
Day 09:
2 Smileys that describe your life right now.
Day 10:
1 confession.

So now it's your turn! Why not? It might do your heart/mind/conscience some good!


1 comment:

irasema said...

and i have rachel to thank for this game :D she did it on her blog a couple of weeks ago!