May 11, 2009

What do I Need?

I have seen a few of these cutiepoo things around blogland (Yes it's 3am and I'm at work reading blogs and updating my own) and I thought that I'd try one of my own...

So the story goes: Type your name and "needs" into the Google search bar and see what comes up. Here's what I NEED according to the great and wandering search of Google...

1) Jenn Needs a Glass of Wine - Hey, sounds pretty good to me!
2) Jenn Needs to go battle Demons! - Well alrighty then...
3) Jenn Needs a Smackdaddy - Explain Smackdaddy please?
4) Jenn Needs a new boyfriend - Yeah, let's ask DH About that one! LOL!
5) Jenn Needs to date Jason! - Um... no, really I don't but thanks for thinking of me.
6) Jenn Needs Help! - Now That's the truth if ever it was spoke!
7) Jenn Needs $$$ - Donations can be made by cash, check or money order at any time.
8) Jenn Needs a Vacation - see #7 to make a donation to this fund please.
9) Jenn Needs a Muzzle - Well I nevah!
10) Jenn Needs some Questions - Hmmm... Ok... You provide the questions and I'll provide the answers?

So now, go have a little fun and see what it is that You NEED!

Hugs and Stuff!


j said...

How fun!

Do you accept Paypal? :)

JennV said...

Why Yes... Yes I do! LOL!